Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 630-232-7770

  • Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

    A Message from Our Community Outreach Director, Amy Bennett

    “Pain reminds us of our shared humanity. It’s a universal experience that connects us to others and reinforces the fact that we are not alone in our struggles.

    While pain can be challenging to endure, it can also motivate us to seek healing and growth. It encourages us to confront unresolved issues, to seek support from others and to embark on a journey towards self-discovery and wholeness.”


    Second Act. You are Seen Too.

    Spokes for Hope

    Help Second Act | Scene 2 raise funds to help create programs, groups and serve even more individuals in the community by signing up for a bike ride!

    Use the Learn More button to be directed to our Paypal to donate. Email [email protected] to register!




    Generosity is contagious. Please help support our mission and donate to Second Act/Scene 2. We are completely reliant on charitable donations in order to be able to continue to provide these services. Any amount you can share will be greatly appreciated and put to good use right here in the community.

    Second Act/Scene 2 is a non-profit charity offering mental health counseling services.

    A Look into How We Help Those in Need

    Mental Illness

    Depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, PTSD, bi-polar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder are just a few of the debilitating mental illnesses that we provide therapy for.

    Troubled Relationships

    Adolescent, adult and couples therapy are provided in a relaxed setting where healing and compassion are at the center of the therapy we provide to both individuals and families.

    Addictions/Impulse Control

    Experienced professionals provide support and guidance to help those afflicted with drug and alcohol addictions and impulse control issues re-claim themselves and follow the path to healthy living.

    Mental Illness Affects All Of Us

    Recently a client expressed frustration at the lack of quality counseling services for people who don’t have insurance and are of lesser financial means. This client is a recovering alcoholic. In her case, she has insurance that pays for a large piece of her ongoing treatment, however, in the local AA meetings she attends, she often hears of the struggles of other less fortunate people. She was delighted to hear about our Second Act/Scene2 services with its mission to treat individuals with the same high quality of care, no matter how much they can pay.


    Through Your Generosity We Can Make A Difference!

    All of us are touched by untreated mental illness and other life problems. The effects are everywhere, causing us to deal with them daily. Whether it be a college student who commits suicide, a deranged parent who kills their children, a family member quietly suffering from depression, the ADHD kid who can’t sit still in school, a co-worker wrestling with an addiction, or a neighbor struggling with anxiety.

    The lack of quality counseling services for people who don’t have insurance and are of lesser financial means is devastating for many in our community who need help.

    Through the generosity of those who partner with us, we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow neighbors. Just a $100 donation allows four more people to receive an initial clinical evaluation.